12.02.2013 Auditorium Centre Sèvres: Girlfriend in a Coma
Un documentario dal titolo che è una citazione degli Smiths per parlare dello stato comatoso dell'Italia.
Un documentario dal titolo che è una citazione degli Smiths per parlare dello stato comatoso dell'Italia.
A l'occasion de l'ouverture de l'Exposition universelle de Milan 2015 le Circolo de Sciences-Po alumni et Bocconi Alumni Association Paris en collaboration avec IEP
Le Circolo Franco-Italiano a le plaisir de vous inviter à une rencontre avec Enrico Letta, Doyen du Master PSIA de Sciences Po, ancien Premier
Le Circolo italien des Alumni Sciences Po et la Bocconi Alumni Association (BAA) de Paris avec la participation de la banque Intesa Sanpaolo Spa
By CRP|Categories: myZaman scrive|Tags: banking regulation, charter value, french commercial bank, in evidenza, loi bancaire, privatisation process, supervision|
ABSTRACT: The paper, which is born from an articulated research on the fundamentals of banking intermediation and on their application to the French regulation and markets, investigates on the strenghts and weaknesses of the French banking model. The view defended is that the French has taken some time advantage on the other European neighbours, by early adopting an efficient framework law disciplinating the entire sector, and that this advance has been maintained afterwards. The comparative advantage translates into a predatory attitude of the French commercial banks over the other (weaker) European financial institutions and on a relatively higher charter value of their licenses compared with the ones of other banks of the UE. In particular, the privatisation process bringing to the progressive sale of the French public banks is analyzed. The historical approach allows to introduce some nuances and to put under the right perspective the conflicts of interests faced by a State which is, at the same time, the regulator and the owner of the most valuable banking assets of a country.
By CRP|Categories: myZaman scrive|Tags: in evidenza|
Dans un monde d’interdépendances et images instantanées où les banquiers centraux apparaissent de plus en plus comme des divinités démiurgiques lointaines, peu de gens savent qu’en 1988 Ben Bernanke n’était qu’un jeune professeur d’économie à Princeton.
By CRP|Categories: Biblioteca|Tags: andrea di marco, gente che ha ragione, in evidenza|
Gente Che ha Ragione (grazie, Andrea Di Marco) !attenzione! video ad alto contenuto di ossigeno per il cervello e per le ganasce!
By CRP|Categories: myZaman scrive|Tags: bonds, in evidenza, myzaman|
"Le Magazine des professions financièrs & de l'économie", 6 juin 2015
Né à Rome, Domenico Biscardi est diplômé en histoire moderne à l'université "La Sapienza" de Rome et a effectué son doctorat en histoire politique